domingo, 13 de março de 2011

Il ya longtemps que je t'aime

Última mensagem do meu Pai em 17.02.2011

A minha familia e amigos

A todos a quem eu amei e que me amaram também:
não chorem a minha ausência.
Não pensem que parti!
Revivam os bons momentos que vivemos
e verão que a própria lembrança é também uma presença!
Eu estou livre da matéria,
percorro agora o universo para ajudar todos os que amei!

Se se sentirem tristes, desconsolados,
pensem em mim,
lembrem-se de mim,
chamem por mim
e eu aí estarei para vos ajudar,
para vos consolar!
E...quando a vossa vez chegar
não chorem pelos que vão deixar
pois uma partida não será nunca um adeus
mas um "até breve"...
Eu estarei aqui para vos receber!

quarta-feira, 2 de março de 2011

Lhasa De Sela, explaining 'Soon this space will be too small'

Lhasa De Sela, explaining 'Soon this space will be too small'

'This is a story about my father, because my father is a very philosophical man and he always has an idea going ‘round and ‘round and around in his mind and each idea that he has, its orbit takes several years to go around.

And when he’s really gone all the way through, then he has a new idea

These days he has a new idea

His idea is that when we’re conceived we appear in our mother’s womb, like a little. Tiny. light. Suspended in immense space and, there’s no sound it’s completely dark, and time doesn’t seem to exist. It’s like an ocean of darkness…

And then, we’re growing and we keep growing and growing and as we grow… slowly we begin to feel things touch things and, touch the walls of our world that we’re in

And then we begin to hear sounds and feel shocks that come to us from the outside then as we get bigger and bigger the distance between ourselves and that other outside world becomes smaller and smaller

And this world that were inside that seems so huge in the beginning
And so infinitely welcoming, has become very uncomfortable

And we are obliged to be born. And my father says that birth is so chaotic and violent that he’s sure that at the moment of birth we’re all thinking ’This is it. This is death. This is the end of my life’

And then we’re born and it’s such a surprise because it’s just the beginning..

And in the beginning we’re very small and the world seems infinitely big and time seems infinitely long,

Then we keep on growing and we learn how to use our senses. We learn how to touch one more time the contours of the world that we’re in

And sometimes mixed in with the sounds and sensations of this world, we hear sounds and feel shocks that come from yet another world.

And that other world follows us our whole lives long, as if something is happening on the other side of a very, very thin wall

But we can forget about it for a long time, and then all of a sudden it comes again, and then at the end of our lives…
we’re obliged to die

And at that point, my father says that then we think we’re really smart, and we think- this time, we know for sure that this is death and that this is the end… because everybody knows that.

But my father thinks that, that’s not the end either…
It’s just the beginning of something else. '

Todo o amor que houver nesta e em todas as outras vidas.